Change to dates for next hearings

Dates for next Inquiry hearings postponed due to Coronavirus

We previously announced that the next Inquiry hearings would be in June and July 2020 when we would hear evidence from clinicians and others who can shed light on the policies and practices of haemophilia centres across the UK. 

Circumstances have now changed. The risks of coronavirus to people who are older or who have health conditions mean it is no longer practical or safe to continue with our planned hearings. We will therefore no longer be holding hearings in June and July 2020.

We are now planning on the basis that hearings will resume in mid-September 2020 and onwards. However, we will not be able to confirm the dates and open registration until the course of the virus is clearer.

Chair of the Inquiry, Sir Brian Langstaff, said:

“The wellbeing of participants in the Inquiry is my predominant concern. This is emphatically so given the illnesses they have already suffered, and their continuing after-effects. It is also important that wherever and whenever possible we allow the public and participants access in person to our hearings. I have therefore taken the decision to postpone the next hearings to a safer time.” 

“It is important to stress this decision will not put the Inquiry on pause.  As far as we can, my team and I continue to work full tilt on the investigation and preparation for future hearings. We remain determined to proceed to a conclusion as quickly as possible. However, this is an unprecedented situation and the safety of those involved, both as participants and as witnesses, must be the priority.”